Tuesday, 20 November 2012

-| change management |-

Relocating from an existing office that has been occupied for five, ten sometimes twenty years present exciting new opportunities. A structured approach to managing this change can lead to a more successful transition of individuals, teams and organization into a new work setting.
Changes to a work environment directly impact employee behavior and work styles. This can challenge many people’s notion of individual success, entitlement and stature.
Through effective strategies, employees can accept and embrace changes in their business environment, but it requires a lot of thoughtful management. To gauge an organization’s ability to change and to establish the management method to effect the change, it is best to listen, observe and understand the company’s business goals. By examining an organization’s current and future business strategies and appetite for innovation, the company has to define the direction and degree of achievable change. Engaging the end users through collaborative exploration and visualization allows developing a personal interest in their future work environment. Finding the right balance of individual and collaborative spaces, and recommending appropriate tools for each kind of space based on user needs and work styles, results in a new work environment that enables the right degree of change. A fully articulated workplace strategy helps build change competency into the organization.
Change is typically the biggest challenge a company faces but if the management is proactive in managing this change, a business can grow, productivity can increase and employee satisfaction can be strengthened.
Change management does not stop once the transition to the new workplace is completed – it goes on with old people leaving and new people adding to the present team. 

Saturday, 28 July 2012

-| form -ed, - ing,  |-

| mumbai, july 2012 |

fabricators on site
(pictorial file on laborers for all sites) 

Saturday, 7 July 2012

 -| still points |- 

We had puja at our home last week and to maximize seating for our guests, we changed our furniture layout. (And we were really proud of this flexibility!!!) But as soon the puja was complete and the guests on their way back – I changed the furniture to its original positions. I wanted to just put up my feet and relax -  and for that I had to sit in my most favored location on the sofa.

Now that poses a question - Is there a place in your home where you move towards when you just need to be?,
For most people, chances are that the answer to this question is 'yes'. 

You always sit at the same place at your dining table.  Your living room has a sofa or chair that you particularly like. A sofa placed just right where you like it.  You fidget uncomfortably when a guest unknowingly flops down on it, forcing you to occupy another chair.  A window that you like to gaze out of often.  A sideboard or shelf where everything lands up sooner or later.  A kurti that somehow arranges to land up in your hands when you open your wardrobe…

The line that comes to mind is "still point in a turning world". I think it was T.S. Eliot who wrote this – not sure . But these very things makes your house a home, changing the act of dwelling into living... In every house, regardless of whether you follow 'vasthu' or 'feng shui' or any other art of placement, there are certain things, parts of certain spaces, that essentially constitute your home; the rest of the space is subsidiary, not of great consequence, but yet necessary. Organized around these spaces you will generally find stuff that you have somehow collected over the years. If you look more closely, you may find more stuff that is just there.

In case you do not have these "still points" in your house, then you have a problem. You are not really 'living' until you create at least some of these still points in your house. Perhaps by having enough of these places, you can get a momentary glimpse of the still point that Eliot was talking about. Maybe even realize that the still point of the turning world is within you.......

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

-| harmony |-

'Strength like beauty comes from harmony' 

Diane Setterfield from 'the thirteenth tale' 

Thursday, 12 April 2012

-| fiction |-

“I know there are people who don't read fiction at all, and I find it hard to understand how they can bear to be inside the same head all the time.” 
― Diane Setterfield

Sunday, 25 March 2012

-| ripples in marble |- 

| sukher, rajasthan|
march, 2012 

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

-| magic of words |-

People disappear when they die. Their voice, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living memory of them ceases. And this is the second death, where memories cease to exist. This is both dreadful and natural. 

Some say photographs and hence the memories stay forever. But I believe that written word or some handmade item, a piece of embroidery or a painting is more powerful.  

An author is an example who is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continue to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humor, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like a mosquito fozzilized , that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.

Its exactly 6 months and 12 hours today. 

Friday, 6 January 2012

 -|  JUST DO IT  |- 

Truth is that I write with all my insecurities lurking nearby. What if I offend somebody? What if I have nothing to say? What if I say TOO much? What if I am not interesting enough? What if I am not real enough? What if I am TOO real? What if I am not moral enough? What if I am TOO moral? What if ….. ….? What if not … ….. …. ?? STOP!!! EXCUSUES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!! How in the world will you ever accomplish anything if the only thing you come up with is ……….. excuses! Aren’t you angry enough? Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you ‘tired of being sick and tired’? … Aren’t you tired of hearing the phase coming out of your mouth …. or worse …. hearing it from others and believing that it applies to you?
To the SAD and pathetic world of ‘what ifs’ and dreams that will NEVER in a million years come true… Unless of course you decide to actually ‘DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!  

FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD FAITH Unless you decide to make a move, don’t just expect things to fall out of sky.